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Have you eaten at Hanson At The Chelsea Restaurant?

17 St Marys St, Swansea, SA1 3LH

Restaurant details

Highchair, Menu
No dress code

Hanson At The Chelsea Restaurant Restaurant Diner Reviews

Reviews of Hanson At The Chelsea Restaurant Restaurant in SA1, Swansea by users of Also see the editors review of Hanson At The Chelsea Restaurant restaurant.
Nathan K
Dined here recently on a lunch and all I ca...
Reviewed 7 months, 2 days ago

"Dined here recently on a lunch and all I can say is wow the food is out of this world it’s a true gem in Swansea city centre, we had 3 courses, for my starter I had the snowdonia cheese Bon Bon with beer pickled cucumber and pale ale onion chutney and they blew my mind really tasted like summertime bbq cheese and beer what’s not to like my partner had the fresh summer linguine which I tried and it was bursting with lemon and garden herbs, for mains we had the sole keive bursting with Parmesan and garlic butter and the fish and chips a classic and done well like this was unbeatable for dessert it had to be the mango and passion fruit cheesecake and the sticky toffee pudding with homemade baileys ice cream, service was great and attentive but not intrusive and the wine and whisky selection is unbelievable something to please everyone I would highly recommend this restaurant to anyone it’s reasonabley priced and a true hidden gem"

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17 St Marys St, Swansea, SA1 3LH
Opening hours

dinner 6.30 pm - 9.30pm
Last orders: 9.30 pm

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