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For 33 years we've been curating reviews of the UK's most notable restaurant. In a typical year, diners submit over 50,000 reviews to create the most authoritative restaurant guide in the UK. Each year, the guide is re-written from scratch based on this survey (although for the 2021 edition, reviews are little changed from 2020 as no survey could run for that year).

Have you eaten at Margo?

68 Miller Street, Glasgow, G1 1DT

What the Newspaper Critics are saying

The Times

Chitra Ramaswamy found sex at every turn at a new, much hyped city-centre venue from all-conquering Scoop, the people behind Ox and Finch in Finniestoun and Ka Pao in Glasgow and Edinburgh. Before setting foot inside she clocked the “big neon M sign winking at you sexily as you approach”, then came the “stunning, industrial Manhattan-vibed” interior that makes guests “feel hotter than they otherwise do”, and finally the “sexy as hell” menu (“if a touch heavy on rich meat and fish dishes. Which, admittedly, is a damn sexy problem to have”).

Oddly enough for a rave review, Chitra found quite a lot to fault in the cuisine. She didn’t like the “gloopy texture” of the kumquat kosho poured over a skate wing or the trout roe in its sauce, while the “hipster” Piedmontese agnolotti del plin was too thick and the delicate sweetness of the red prawns it accompanied was concealed by a “too-buttery, too one-note sauce”.

But a “sensational” beef tartare and a “divine” crab tart more than compensated, contributing to “the best and indeed naughtiest lunch I’ve had in a long time… Margo, I’m happy to confirm, is the hottest new restaurant in town.”

Chitra Ramaswamy - 2024-11-10
68 Miller Street, Glasgow, G1 1DT

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