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Have you eaten at Darts Farm Café?

Clyst St George, Topsham, EX3 0QH

Restaurant details

Highchair, Portions, Entertainments
100, 100
No dress code

Darts Farm Café Restaurant Diner Reviews

Reviews of Darts Farm Café Restaurant in EX3, Topsham by users of Also see the editors review of Darts Farm Café restaurant.
Grace I
Massive farm shop with an amazing butchers ...
Reviewed 4 months, 3 days ago

"Massive farm shop with an amazing butchers - a much better place to stop for a snack & wee on the way to Cornwall than the Exeter services on the M5. We ate in the (original) Yard restaurant - gorgeous smoothies, zingy fresh tomato bruschetta and a club sandwich that showcases their produce. The fry up is worth stopping for too. We had ice creams from their Cow & Cacao cafe and the flavours were delicious and as described. Not tried the Farm Table or the Terrace yet."

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Trevor C
Very disappointing. We used to visit here y...
Reviewed 7 months, 9 days ago

"Very disappointing. We used to visit here years ago for their wet fish slab where they would cook the fish fresh for you. It was closed that day and it looked like they no longer offered such a wide range of food. Plus side it has now opened up its Tesla Chargers to non Teslas which means it is a great break point if going to Cornwall from the Midlands or the South East."

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Clyst St George, Topsham, EX3 0QH
Opening hours

all day noon

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