Harden's says
Two barges (Darcie, with 45 covers, and sister 'drinking' boat May Green) that once transported visitors to the London Olympics, have been given a colourful makeover by Sir Peter Blake (of Yellow Submarine album cover fame) and will now serve Paddington commuters and locals with Australasian staples from early morning. The boats are part of the Daisy Green collection of restaurants.
Harden's survey result
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Have you eaten at Darcie Green?
Grand Union Canal, Sheldon Square, London, W2 6DS
Restaurant details
Grand Union Canal, Sheldon Square, London, W2 6DS
Opening hours
Monday | 7:30 am‑11 pm |
Tuesday | 7:30 am‑11 pm |
Wednesday | 7:30 am‑11 pm |
Thursday | 7:30 am‑11 pm |
Friday | 7:30 am‑11 pm |
Saturday | 8 am‑11 pm |
Sunday | 9 am‑10 pm |
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