
Harden's says

Little sister restaurant next door to Chef's Table on Pepper Street, serving 'growing-led British tapas', with much of the produce grown on the team's pesticide-free farm, Field28. Times critic Giles Coren is a big fan of the dishes served by ex-Sticky Walnut head chef Jay Tanner.

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Have you eaten at Twenty Eight?

7 Pepper Street Row, Chester, CH1 1EA

What the Newspaper Critics are saying

The Times

Giles Coren was pleased as Punch with a day trip to Chester, where he enjoyed lunch at “a sort of directional tapas offshoot of the famous Chef’s Table” next door, run by Jay Tanner, previously head chef at local legend Sticky Walnut.

Top billing went to a bao bun with Korean fried chicken, which was “as good as such a thing can be… a bun for the ages. Worth the day trip in itself. And for £6, where in London you’re looking at £10, £12, maybe even £14.”

Five of the sharing plates at this price “could have fed two people easily… with a great range of flavours. Astounding value. Just astounding.” Giles capped off the trip with a 50-minute post-prandial stroll around the city walls back to the station. “What a city. What a restaurant. What a vibe.”

Giles Coren - 2024-04-21
7 Pepper Street Row, Chester, CH1 1EA

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