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Our reviews are based on an annual survey of ordinary diners which runs in Spring each year. But this establishment has not yet gathered enough feedback for our editors to write it up.

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For 33 years we've been curating reviews of the UK's most notable restaurant. In a typical year, diners submit over 50,000 reviews to create the most authoritative restaurant guide in the UK. Each year, the guide is re-written from scratch based on this survey (although for the 2021 edition, reviews are little changed from 2020 as no survey could run for that year).

Have you eaten at The Game Cock Inn?

Austwick, LA2 8BB

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No dress code

The Game Cock Inn Restaurant Diner Reviews

Reviews of The Game Cock Inn Restaurant in LA2, Austwick by users of Also see the editors review of The Game Cock Inn restaurant.
Tim Y
Excellent pub food prepared by a cook who h...
Reviewed 1 months, 16 days ago

"Excellent pub food prepared by a cook who has bought a touch of France to a beautiful corner of Yorkshire. Delicious, freshly baked bread and cakes in the morning; lovely French-inspired meals at night. Delicious lamb shank, plus duck parcels. Better than the posh hotel up the road! Book to avoid disappointment as they're not that keen on walk-ins"

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Austwick, LA2 8BB

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