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For 33 years we've been curating reviews of the UK's most notable restaurant. In a typical year, diners submit over 50,000 reviews to create the most authoritative restaurant guide in the UK. Each year, the guide is re-written from scratch based on this survey (although for the 2021 edition, reviews are little changed from 2020 as no survey could run for that year).

Have you eaten at Borscht & Tears?

46 Beauchamp Pl, London, SW3

Restaurant details

No dress code

What the Newspaper Critics are saying

The Sunday Times

For reasons clearly unconnected with keeping on top of the latest in dining, Charlotte Ivers headed to the Harrods hinterland to eat at a venture that describes itself as ‘London’s oldest Russian restaurant’ (est. 1965).

Most of its customers, the waiter, Bogdan, told her, were Russian or from former Soviet states. “We let you in because it was quiet,” he teased. The space was dark, all red velvet and an air of faded glamour – “like a child’s drawing of where you’d meet a spy”.

We did not learn much about the food apart from there being “a preponderance of pickles” and lots of potatoes, washed down by the inevitable lashings of vodka.

Charlotte’s one revelation was the “lagman: doughy stretched wheat noodles wok-fried with beef, pepper, yardlong bean (actually more like 30cm) and celery, finished with soy sauce and chives. Sichuan pepper gives it a kick. We’ve ordered it to share but I end up commandeering the plate.

Charlotte Ivers - 2024-06-30