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2 Chalkshire Rd, Butler's Cross, HP17 0TS

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No dress code

Russell Arms Restaurant Diner Reviews

Reviews of Russell Arms Restaurant in HP17, Butler's Cross by users of Also see the editors review of Russell Arms restaurant.
Andy H
Visited The Russell Arms on 19th April for ...
Reviewed 7 months, 23 days ago

"Visited The Russell Arms on 19th April for the first time and everyone in our party said it was one of the BEST meals they had ever had. This is not your typical Buckinghamshire restaurant featuring the same old tired dishes, it’s clear a lot of thought and attention has been put into crafting a menu that is leagues above the competition. The pub/restaurant had a fantastic, warm and friendly atmosphere. The tables weren’t crowded, the service was amazing, the waiting staff a credit to the business, first drinks arrived swiftly (and were kept flowing) and every dish of food was special. The decor inside is modern and tasteful, with great colour schemes and complimentary artwork but subdued enough to not take the limelight. The limelight is saved for the Head Chef’s delicious menu which I for one cannot wait to taste again, every dish was a star. The Russell Arms is definitely one to watch and lived up to every bit of reputation it has built in recent months - and gave a lot more. Well done to the entire team, it was a first class evening and I look forward to visiting again soon."

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